Wheels of Aurelia

sourcedate 2024-05-07 / browse数 99

Wheels of Aurelia - Interactive visual novel with freedom of choiceWheels of Aurelia great adventure novel for android. Your character Lella is a bright and brave girl who goes on the most unforgettable jouey in her life. You have to conquer the most unknown way15rummy.coms, to meet interesting fellow travelers, to lea the mysterious past of the main character and to curb her character. A romantic adventure awaits you on the beautiful Italy of the late 70's. The novella will give you many wonderful moments of that time: the golden sands of the waterfront of Aurelius and the entire weste coast of Italy, the stunning, completely original Italian soundtrack of those years, illustrations of famous Italian artists and a story based on real events. Here is an extremely simple and intuitive control, an intriguing gameplay and an interesting storyline with 16 endings. Carefully choose the answer in each dialogue - it all depends on your choice!CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 31.87 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----